Month: October 2018

Allocating Net Profits

Here is an updated plan for distributing net profits earned through the quasi decentralized autonomous organization Tenqido. This all may be subject to change since Tenqido is a DAO or quasi-DAO.

Net profits derived from social media advertising, and social media site/app memberships, profits will be allocated as follows.

  • 5% of net profits will go to healthspan research funding
  • 5% of net profits will be devoted to supporting a basic income cryptocurrency blockchain
  • 5% of net profits will go to partial cumulative profit dividend fund
  • 5% of net profits will be distributed to directors and executives
  • 5% of net profits will be distributed to shareholders (if there are any, otherwise this will go back to directors and executives)
  • 5% of net profits will go to charities (nonprofits and DAO’s)
  • 70% of net profits from advertising will be distributed back to users/members

For profits derived from other efforts of Tenqido, and not from content created through social media services, profits will be allocated as follows.

  • 5% of net profits will go to healthspan research funding
  • 5% of net profits will be devoted to supporting a basic income cryptocurrency blockchain
  • 5% of net profits will go to partial cumulative profit dividend fund
  • 15% of net profits will be distributed to directors and executives
  • 50% of net profits will be distributed to shareholders (if there are any, otherwise this will be allocated to charities)
  • 20% of net profits will go to charities (nonprofits and DAO’s)

This all may be subject to change since Tenqido is a DAO or quasi-DAO. Tenqido will eventually help humanity to experience more happiness.

Abortion Alternatives

We need artificial wombs for humans that the much of the conflict surrounding abortion can simply be sidestepped. More politicians should promote this idea.

Help to spread this idea. Be creative.

Harmonizing the Spiritual and the Physical

If you harmonize the spiritual and the physical then they can cease being separate and the physical and spiritual are on the same level. I have this understanding from aikido and Holy Spirit is guiding me to see things this way. ACIM is not my only source of meta physical understanding. Feel free to see things differently.

Social DAO

Social DAO is attempting to develop totally or quasi decentralized social networks that allow for self serve advertising that can be paid for with cryptocurrencies. Users can utilized the social networks and be rewarded with 70%, 90%, or more of net profits from advertising. Users can pay to have a premium membership in which they do not see ads, and then this funds rewards for creators.

You can collaborate on GitHub or on Reddit.

Founding International Futurist Party DAO


  • Implement universal basic income
  • Develop artificial wombs
  • All drugs should be legal
  • Cryptocurrencies and tokens can legally act as securities as long as risks are sufficiently disclosed
  • Psychiatric coercion and nonconsensual psychiatry should be outlawed
  • Cryonics available for all
  • Public funding devoted to defeating aging, and having aging declared a potentially treatable disease
  • Public funding for higher education
  • More soon….

Collaborate at /r/FuturistPartyDAO